Thursday, May 26, 2005


Do you mix agoraphobia with arachnephobia?
Do you know what anuptaphobia is?

For a reason I can no longer remember I started making a list of strange phobias. It probably was because I read about some fascinating ones, it could have been because I found some names I didn't know or it might simply have been to get out of studying for my exams for a little while.

Either way, I did it about a week ago and here are the results:

Aerophobia - fear of fresh air
Barophobia - fear of gravity
Cathisaphobia - fear of sitting
Dermatosiophobia - fear of skin
Elutherophobia - fear of freedom
Frigophobia - fear of cold
Genophobia - fear of sex
Hedonophobia - fear of pleasure
Ideophobia - fear of ideas
Japanophobia - fear of Japanese
Kinetophobia - fear of movement or motion
Logophobia - fear of words
Metrophobia - fear of poetry
Nephophobia - fear of clouds
Osmophobia - fear of smells
Parthenophobia - fear of virgins or young girls
Rectophobia - fear of rectum
Scholionophobia - fear of school
Tocophobia - fear of pregnancy or childbirth
Uranophobia - fear of heaven
Vestiophobia - fear of clothing
Xanthophobia - fear of the colour yellow of the word yellow

If that doesn't scare you, maybe this one will:

Phobophobia. Fear of phobias. Yikes!

Anybody got any of these?

- Phobias from The Phobias Page

Agoraphobia - fear of open spaces
Arachnephobia - fear of spiders
Anuptaphobia - fear of staying single


  1. The fear of people, and the fear of talking to people. They have phobias for it, but I think it's more neatly explained in this explanation for a mental disorder.

    There's no qualified psychologists in my area, so it's not official.

  2. I think I have
    * Fear of bugs
    * Anuptaphobia


  3. APD, I read about that not long ago. Can you choose to get an APD? I might have that..

    Fear of orange would be Chrysophobia, which also means fear of gold. I don't like gold, maybe I have that one too..

  4. APD is a mystery. It's not a choice so much as a reaction. Everyone has some aspect of it, but whether or not it affects your daily life is how it's determined to be a disorder.

    I know I'm a textbook example, as far as textbooks go, anyway.


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