Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Looking for Mike

Mike was a guy I met at Spinchat a little over a year ago. I was living in France, so was he. He was an an American working in Belgium (I think) and living just on the border. Funniest thing I'd ever heard, living in one country, working in another... Anyway, I think we only talked once or twice but he really made an impression on me.

His 200kB-something email had just being lying in my Hotmail inbox for over a year. I'd thought about writing him or deleting it but never got around to it. We sent a few emails back and forth but it seemed like half of them got lost on the way. Tonight I decided I was going to send him one, a year after I last talked to him, even though he has no idea who I am. It's just something I have to do.

I wouldn't ordinarily write this, sending a weird email to someone I have no idea who is (and who might very well read this) isn't really a big event. I guess I just thought that if I don't get a reply, and I decide to delete the emails and that was that; at least I'll have this to remind me of it. It's strange when you talk to someone who makes you think, even a year after you had a conversation with them. He had dreams. He believed in what he did. And he had the balls to go for it.

Any wonder I liked him?


"This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed..."

The one that got away...


  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    seeing how the address is no longer live, what was the addy ?

  2. Sounds like quite the guy. See if you can plug the old e-mail through the MSN profiles list. If his hotmail got discontinued, he might still have a profile, and a new e-mail address on it. You never know, it might be worth a look.

    "One person remembered for a 100,000 years. 100,000 people forgotten in the span of an hour."

    I find it ironic that I wrote this less than 24 hours ago in one of my short stories. Don't know how relevant it is, or if it's even tasteful, but I thought I would share.

  3. It wasn't a hotmail address, it was "@thedoghousemail.com".

    I've realized how little I actually know about him in terms of having any way of getting in touch with him; all I have is a picture and an email with a 'From'-line which says "M H".

    But maybe that's for the best(?); wouldn't you think it was weird if you knew some girl you met in a random chat room a year ago was still wondering who you really are?

    And Raine - thanks for sharing :)

  4. My pleasure.

    I'm sure he'd be thrilled if he found out you were looking for him.


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