Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Things from TV

A few things I've seen on TV the last month or so, and decided I had to write down.

My big fat obnoxious fiancee
"A mother is only as happy as her saddest child"

According to Jim
Andy: "How do you sleep at night?"
Jim: "In the nude, with your sister."

Making Space
Family getting help making space in their house, they have the rooms, but too much mess. The two children (twins 3 1/2 years) have slept in their parents' bedroom all their lives. --- Three and a half years??? What about privacy? What about if the parents wanna, well, do what caused the kids to get there in the first place? Kitchen tables are useful, but surely there must be a limit to how much they can take...

Mythbusters (Discovery)
It has finally been proved that you get wetter by running in the rain, than by walking. Same distance, same amount of water. Don't run!

They tried making bullets out of different materials and found out that some materials (or powder in the bullets) have more 'stay-in-theredness' than others.

Forensic Detectives (Discovery)
Guy from Graham, Texas had been killed, the story of how they found out who did it. People he knew said he was a nice guy, he was like everyone else, always wore a hat, always wore big boots. --- Oh, I wanna live somewhere you're not normal if you're not wearing a cowboy hat!

Fornemmelse for mord (Norwegian show)
A woman commited suicide five years ago. What's strange about it? She did it in the freezer. Then afterwards she put a box on top of it.

Dharma & Greg
Kitty: "Don't worry, I have enough money to get away with one murder."

Woman: "The theme was 'under the sea' and I was drowning in loneliness."

Planet of the Apes
"Their ingenuity goes hand in hand with their cruelty" (about the humans)

Amish in the city
City-girl: "Milk is cow puss. It gets inside your body and makes you sick."

Same city-girl, whispering: "Those are chicken abortions" (about eggs)

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