Saturday, November 13, 2004

The first snow

This morning the mountains were white.
Winter has come, the snow is here.

No snow down here yet though. We've had wind and rain and hail, lots of hail, the past days, but hopefully the snow will come further down the mountains soon. I can see it from my window, I can see it, but I want to touch it too. See the pink light outside when it's snowing, standing under a lamp post, looking up, feeling the snow flakes land on my face.

I feel strange... I feel... angry. That's weird, I have nothing to be angry about. Oh well, I'm sure I'll just piss some more people off, I seem to be doing good at that.

I gotta get outta here

1 comment:

  1. Sounds beautiful, we don't have any mountains up where I live.


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