Monday, August 08, 2005

International Orgasm Day

I can see the stars. For the first time since I can't remember when, I can see the stars. Summers are so light here, it never really gets dark. And when it gets dark, it's only because it's cloudy, hence no stars. But tonight it's dark enough and there's not a cloud in sight. There are a few stars shining, it will get darker and more can be seen. Autumn is coming.

Autumn always seems like such a peaceful time. I love summer and I wish it could stay forever, but when autumn comes, things slow down. There's no more shorts and tank tops, you have to put on more clothes and you stay inside more. No more getting burned by the sun, however much I love that, there's a time for everything.

Autumn means time for reading, time for studying, time for routine coming back into my life. Unfortunately, autumn in Bergen also means rain, like everywhere else, but at the same time, rain in the world's rainiest city is not like rain anywhere else.

Did you know that today is the International Orgasm Day? Apparantly it is, and it was started in 1998 by Alex Hirka who funnily enough has a blog right here at Blogger. I first read about this in a Norwegian article, in case you don't read Norwegian there's something here about Journée de l'orgasme, and if you don't read French either I'm afraid I can't help you.

When I was trying to look for something on the subject, the Internatinal Orgasm Day, I just kept finding something about Brazil and May 9th. Then I read this thing, which I found kinda funny. Apparantly there's an orgasm day in Brazil that everyone writes about and an international one that no one knows about. I tried and they didn't have Orgasm Day on either May 9th or August 8th. They usually have all kinds of days (my birthday, October 15th, is known as Sweetest Day, Grouch Day and Sewing Lovers Day, btw check out this one.)

It's International Orgasm Day and nobody knows...
Wanna celebrate?


  1. I just did. Three times. ;)

  2. hahaha

    I wonder if there is anything like International Sad Day?

  3. way to go Raine!

    virgo, haven't found a thing about International Sad Day :)

  4. I'm guessing Sad day would likely fall on my birthday. That's just how my luck works anyway.

    Not that that's a bad thing. I'd rather have it on my birthday, instead of somebody else having a bunch of mopey people wish them a "mediocre, and possibly enjoyable year"


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