Tuesday, December 14, 2004

But... what is teasing?

what would you do if a woman did that? tied you up, got you all excited and then untied you and told you to go home?
that would be the worst form of teasing
and what would you do?
that would be form of rape ;) that will result
which is not good
you would rape the girl?
well a man totally hot and you refuse after making him hot that girl would be responsible for results
why 'form of rape'?
bec that would be one way sex than thats why form of rape


do I even need to tell you how freakin angry this makes me?? I wanna jump out my skin and hit this guy in the head with a baseball bat or sumthin... do people really still think this way? I mean really?


  1. of course I have to ask that question. the day I start accepting something just because it is a fact is the day my 'why's disappear. that day something inside of me would die. if you don't got hope, you don't got nothing. I do have to ask that question. I ALWAYS have to ask a question.

  2. wait... 50%? that's about all the women in the world...

  3. does anybody know how man men get raped each year? like how many per cent of those who are raped are men and how many are women? I should have thought of this before I posted the blog in the first place should I?

  4. 60%? you nuts? that means a woman is more likely to be raped than not. that means I'll have to assume I might be raped some day. that means either my sister or I will be raped. that means half of the women or girls I've ever met have been or will be raped. that means you can stand on the street and every fourth person passing have will or will be raped, assuming two in four are men.

    60%?? I'll have to go out and ask people cuz this is... unrealistic? - forgive me for saying so but 60%??

  5. I do know this goes for the US and not for Norway, so I decided to ask people I talk to over there. No one seems to think the number can be 60%, although they agree it must be "scary high". I haven't found someone who knows of someone who has been raped yet. Could be that they, and their friends, are just very very lucky, but I would have thought someone knew of one woman who had been raped. Most women probably don't go around telling the world about it, but just one person? Who knew one woman? And most women you know have been sexually abused?

    That brings me to my question. What is 'sexually abused'?


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