Sunday, June 25, 2006

Swedish police... looking for an older man who tried to rape a 4 year old girl.

The man exposed himself, then tried to rip the clothes off the girl. Something distracted him and he ran off. Police were looking for him with dog patrols and a helicopter.

The girl was in good shape and was not physically hurt.

What the hell is wrong with people?!?


  1. He sounds a little crazy.

    Just a hunch.

    I mean... he got distracted part way through attempting to rape a little girl.

    Yeah, I think he's lost his marbles.

  2. I hope the police catches him, lock him up and throw away the keys.

  3. Distracted may have been a bad translation but it was the best there was - some of our words don't translate too easily.

    It read as something may have startled him, maybe he heard something/someone and decided not to risk it.

    As for whether he tried to rape her or not... naturally the papers say he did, but all he really did was remove some of his clothing, and he tried to do the same with the girl's. Bad enough in itself but I'm not certain it's good enough for attempted rape.

    Too bad I only know what the papers write :)

  4. That is so horrifying. That poor little girl. I always think of Sweden as being a very low-crime-rate kind of country. Maybe it's easier to assume that all the weirdos live here in the US!


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