Monday, June 19, 2006

It's raining.

I am sick and tired of this rain!

I want sun! I want summer!

I want to go outside wearing no underwear and not have the kids next door and the neighbours tell the whole town about it!


  1. I'll give it some thought :)

  2. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Hey i thought u were an underwear fan, weren't u the one who always mentions about nice colorful underwears? But seems like that u have changed due to the weather conditions ,hey by the way i am a very sunny hot guy hahahah :D come infront of me :))

  3. Anonymous12:05 AM

    hey from my previous post, if u should come to the point that "ifi go to quak quak the sunny funny guy as he is hot i won t need to wear my underwear anymore" isn't it logical?


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