Wednesday, June 21, 2006


"If we let people see that kind of thing, there would never again be any war."

- Pentagon official, on why US military
censored graphic footage from the Gulf War


  1. Anonymous2:51 AM

    It actually has a lot more to do with the geneva convention. You're not allowed to release imagry of prisoners of casualties by international law.

  2. It certainly does, but we've seen pictures from the secound round in Iraq that are a little less than child-friendly. Doesn't have to be a prisoner or casualty to get the point across. Often it's those who have no names and no one cares about who make the greatest impression.

    Also, I'd think the 'Pentagon official' should have mentioned the Geneva convention, his statement there was a little, how do we say, stupid.

  3. And besides, it would be a fine time to pick out which laws in the Geneva Convention that the troops are going to obey when they've already broken all but the least important ones.

    Sure, it's all fine and good to hold PoW's in Cuba, but we're not allowed to take pictures of the dead.


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