Saturday, January 22, 2005

Fire alarms


Have you met my fire alarm? They all went off a couple of minutes after midnight. They used to do that when we all first moved in here in August, but they set it up and it's worked like it should (meaning not going off) ever since.


My roommates and I wondered whether to go out, two of us ended up going to find out what was happening. We didn't get outside because the door was locked. If there had been a fire in the corridor we had to walk through instead, we'd have been in trouble. They emergency exit door was locked. And our keys didn't fit.


When we got down to the first floor, it stopped. People started going back up so we did the same.



Now what?? If there was a fire, the alarm shouldn't start and stop like this! And if there is no fire then it shouldn't go off in the first place!

Oh. It stopped. Wonder what's on TV...


Again?? That's the third time!! What if people are sleeping? This better stop soon...

I think it stopped. Oh no, don't say stopped, I'll jinx it.


  1. Oh oh, one time, I sprained my knee playing basketball. I got back to my dorm about 20 minutes later, and the second I sit down, there's a fire drill. 6 flights of stairs with a sprained knee. Oh that sucked horribly.

    But yea, it could have been worse. I think a fire drill during my 'sleep time' would really anger me.

  2. oh, but it's not a fire drill.
    it's just someone smoking in their room or someone not turning the fan thing above the stove on when they're cooking. it goes off in the whole builing if something like that happens.
    if it was a drill then at least we'd have known what was going on. most people don't even bother going out when the alarm goes off anymore. when we all moved in here in August it went off constantly...


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