Tuesday, October 26, 2004

One hour left

One hour left, will I ever manage to finish this in time?

I still need to sort out the final points, which make no sense at the moment. Then I need to write a conclusion. I don't even know what to conclude with... Maybe that Kant didn't agree with killing millions of innocent people? Hmm... Yeah, but I can't just write that, you know. I have to write how I know that he didn't agree with that. Then I gotta figure out how this Eichmann dude thought that be obedient (man, I hate that word...) could mean 'kill everyone cuz your boss tells you to'. I mean.... WHAT?? WHY?? Why did these nazi guys do things like that? My professor told me they didn't think jews were people. Erm....excuse me? Not people? Kant discriminated between 'objects' and 'people'. People had the ability to reason. So... jews didn't? Kantian demand my... well, anyway... I think those guys all needed a good kick in the nuts. I know violence never solves anything, but it would be nice to see them squirm wouldn't it?

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