Saturday, October 30, 2004

Do you have a thing about underwear?

I was doing the washing today, and as I was hanging it all up, I realized I have A LOT of underwear. Not that I didn't know that from before, my drawer at home was way more than full before I left. I just love underwear. I don't have a whole lot of 'upper-underwear-things', but I do have lots of tiny things that go...well, further down. (I'm trying my best to be discreet, how am I doing?)

What can I say? Girl underwear is cute. All kinds of patterns and colours and shapes and sizes. With ribbons on the sides or a bow on the front. And Snoopy. Why is there so much underwear with Snoopy on these days? H&M gone Snoopy crazy... I just realized my newest top and too large bottom thing (with ribbons, btw) match the colours of the Cosmopolitan I bought two weeks ago... Apart from that, I'm in an underwear dead zone.

Now, what about you?
Do you wear underwear or not?
Do you have a thing about underwear? Yours or somebody else's?

Oh come on, I know you're reading this, leave a comment!
We all want to know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    hi apples, i know you want it to snow, but it will just give it time, as for underwear goes, i don't have much just the basic things, i think that that is not so important for guys.


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