Monday, May 15, 2006

Erotic Economics?

There was a clitoris in the sink today.
Well, it probably wasn't, but it sure looked like one.

The past days I've been sitting outside reading. A week ago we had 25 degrees and July appeared to have come. Sitting outside I'm able to concentrate a whole lot better than inside where my mind starts drifting. I thought guys were the ones who were supposed to think about sex every four minutes? To me it happens every time the book gets boring. How often that is? It's economics, you do the maths.

F(cK,cL) = 2(cK)(cL) = c²2KL = c²F(K,L).

The result of multiplying each input by c in this production function is thus to multiply the original output level by c². Output thus grows more than in proportion to input growth in this case [with proportional growth, we would have had output equal to cF(K,L)], so this production function has increasing returns to scale. Thus, for example, if c = 2 (a doubling of each input), we get F(2K, 2L) = 2(2K)(2L) = 4(2KL), a quadrupling of output.

...mmm... somewhere warm... outside... it would be fun to... and the guy could... mmm.... careful no one is watching... oh yeah right there! could I... with you.... do you like that?

I don't think this is entirely my fault though, my mind drifting off like that. Not the fact that it's boring, not in itself, but it's what we actually have to learn. They are clearly intentionally leading perfectly innocent and proper young women astray, making us read about things such as KINKED CONSTRAINTS and the INPUT-OUTPUT RELATIONSHIP. It's preposterous!

Oh honey, I love your Long-Run Expansion Path!


  1. mmmhmmmm where have you been all my life?

    oh wait, you have a wife...

  2. Hahaha! And i thought i was the only one who's mind tends to 'wander off' when reading books. It happens whenever I'm bored... like waiting for the lights to turn green, when queing up to pay the grocerries. lol!


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