Wednesday, May 31, 2006


The sun now rises at precisely 6am. I know this because I was up. That happens about once every five years and now I am proud!

Tomorrow June will be here and it'll only get lighter for another three weeks. The next six weeks or so it won't be dark unless there are [very] dark clouds in the sky.

It sets around 10:30pm here, farther north not at all.

This ain't called the land of the midnight sun for nothing, you know!

In other news, I just realized warm air has a shadow. I was putting my dinner in the oven, the sun shining through the window. I didn't see any steam coming up but it showed clearly on the wall. I shut the oven door and it stopped. I opened it and it started. It looked pretty much like it does when the sun shines through trees far away and you see a gentle waving motion.

Now I feel proud AND smart!

1 comment:

  1. Hei!
    Been an absentee for a long time but I am back and I guess I'd do a lot of reading posts.

    Have a nice day


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