Friday, May 12, 2006

Christened her Breasts

Scarlett Johansson, seen in the movie "Lost in Translation" tells of how she's named her breasts.

- I like my body and my face and I love my breasts - my girls, the actress says.

The only thing the celeb fears is getting old and having to use anti wrinkle cream.

- I don't want to look like an old paper bag, she tells British newspaper The Sun.

What's she's lacking in brains is luckily well compensated for in boobs.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    If she has boobs like that, who cares about the brain -- or whether she named them!

  2. Excactly. She has the boobs and doesn't need the brains.

    They do look exceptionally large in this picture, don't they...

  3. Actually... I'd pass.

    I can't abide by somebody who's all booty and no brains.

    And besides, even if I tried, she'd smother me with them. Tooo big! Tooooo big!!!

    Oh. And she's an actor. Ugh.


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