Saturday, October 29, 2005

On and Off

Two weeks with no internet and no network connection. Relaxing in a way but annoying when I'm unable to pay my bills. Last night a guy from the network group in the building came over to find out what's wrong. Everything had started working for everyone else a few days ago but not for me. He spent an hour poking around, saying I have too much stuff on here and feeling sorry for my computer. He found nothing and said I should delete everything and install Windows again.

I said two weeks ago, when everything stopped working, I had just installed a new antivirus, and messed around with settings to get this image onto the computer. I told him three times but he said no, that couldn't be it. When he left I called my brother to get him to send me the CD with the Windows thing on it since I don't have it here. When I hung up I deleted the antivirus and voila, everything works just fine.

I emailed the computer guy saying it was ok now and thanks for your help, and he wrote a loong email back saying he had suspected it was the antivirus. I told him about it three times when he was here, he told me that wouldn't be it, yet a few hours later he had suspected it all along. Who needs guys anyway?

So now I'm back and I have stories to tell. I just don't know where to start or what to write so I'll probably do what I always do - forget everything.

I'll just start and see how I'll do.

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