Monday, October 03, 2005


The net is not working. Again. So I'm at the computer lab. Again. But I won't go on about the printers this time. Or the people using them. I hate them. But they don't care.

Anyway, the Uni pages say the system went down after the power went out yesterday afternoon. But the net hasn't been working where I live since Saturday - didn't turn the computer on till 8pm so I don't know how long it's lasted. Horribly annoying when we're told we have to check our email every day for important notices. When the Uni uses the net this much for anything and everything, they should be able to keep it up a little better than this.

Then again, there is the horrible thing about never knowing if it's your computer, your connection or the whole system that isn't working. I hope it's the whole thing cuz that means they'll fix it. If it's just me, no one will know. Like in June when my net didn't work for a week then this guy came and said I'd disconnected the network. Apparently I'd done that, without knowing how to, in the middle of the night, while sleeping. I don't think the network here likes me. It tried to kick me off when I first came here a year ago, saying I had to get rid of the bug in my pc and kept sending emails all the time. Then I fixed it but it came back. We have to have antivirus and the Uni provides one (that totally sucks) but naturally I can't download that one when the net doesn't work.

Shall I continue?

What to do, what to do... There was something i was going to say but I can't remember what it was... I'm gonna print some more pages then go read. I have an exam this Friday and it's not like "40% of your grade" as I heard someone say on an American college show. Our exams are 100% of our grades. So I better study. And have lunch. I didn't have breakfast.

Oh that's true, I was gonna say something about the professor and his butt but I'll get to that later. Stay tuned!

Edit: I just found out the 'yesterday' the net went down was Friday. So it was still working 6 hours it stopped working and it was not working 12 hours after that. I'm confused.

1 comment:

  1. Apples...

    Computers haven't changed all that much in the years it took you to grow up and get to the university...if that makes you feel any better at all. When I was in college (if you can call my alma mater a true college that is) I often "hand coded" my assignments on lined paper and turned them in to my professor. In the fall of 1980, while I was at one of the most technically respected schools in the US, computer terminals were still somewhat few and far between for a student body of over 4000. If I couldn't get a seat at a terminal, I just decided to turn my stuff in without entering and running the programs. Thankfully, I got it right more than I got it wrong.

    I can't imagine what it would be like going through the college/university experience today with the benefit of PERSONAL computers and the powers they bring to the mix. I recently completed a 12 month distance learning program and found both the PC and the Internet invaluable tools to higher learning. While they shouldn't be used as crutches, they certainly added to the experience.

    See you on the high ground!



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