Monday, October 10, 2005


My roommate is moving out next week. She's just been home for autumn break and decided to take a year off from school to be with her family. Her brother is real sick. He's been here a few times, must be about my brother's age now, 18-19ish. She said he had cancer a few years ago, did the chemo therapy, went through all that and they thought it was gone. But now it's back and it's serious, some rare form of cancer. Marte said she wouldn't be moving back home if it was something that would be alright soon. She doesn't want to leave here but she said she's thought about it and decided it was the right thing to do.

I can't imagine what they must be going through. What it's like. Cancer is everywhere these days and we all probably know someone who has it or has had it. Some recover while others... others are remembered. When a child gets something like that... I just keep wondering why. It doesn't make sense, does it? Some say there is a reason for everything. Reason, like Love, is over used. I belive in reason as in cause, not reason as in meaning. There's a cause for everything but I can't believe there is a meaning. I wish I could but... it's just not for me.

If I prayed I would but I don't so I can't.
I'll just hope. Send good thoughts.

And help my roommate move although I really hate to see her leave.

Life can be cruel some times.
I think it's time to grow up.

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