- 1 person from Slovakia, preferrably with knowledge about Slovak foreign policy
- 1 person from Uganda
- 1 person with knowledge as to what Slovakia feels towards the situation in Northern Uganda
- 1 UN diplomat (preferrably a representative in the Security Council)
- 1 secretary to explain me all the SC rules and procedures
- 1 maths wiz
- 2-3 persons to explain what the maths wiz is saying
- 1 person to explain my calculator to me
- 1 person to attend my lectures this week
- 1 person who looks like me to attend my work group on Friday
- 1 person to hunt down and bring back (preferably alive) one student (name will be provided)
- 1 person to help me with my microeconomics paper due this Friday
- 1 person to find out where I can print things now they've closed the computer lab
- 1 person to go shop for clothes fit for wearing to the UN Security Council
- 1 person to attend 2-3 meetings being held for the Human Rights week
- 1 person to get 3 passport photos with my picture on them
- 1 person to write an application and my resume
- and write it good
and finally...
- 1 person to book a hairdresser appointment, go there in a place to have my hair cut and coloured (I realize that might be a tricky one..)
If you are interested, please send me an email or leave a comment. The work will last from 9 am Monday through 2pm Friday. You will receive no pay in form of money, however, you are free to suggest other forms of compensation.
Thank you.