Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I'm sitting at the library by the big windows facing the mall. I'm reading a book but as always when I'm there I can't concenrate and watch people walking by.

A policeman comes from the left and walks into the mall. A few minutes later a police car stop just to the right of where I'm sitting, two guys get out and walk into the mall to buy lunch. Five minutes later the first police man comes back out and goes over to the second police car. It's not his car. He's a few meters away and keeps clicking the key chain thingy to open the car. He looks at it and shakes it while he's walking.

He goes up to the car and looks at the door. It's still not his car. He looks inside, he tries to open the door, press the button again. He takes a step back, then he walks behind the car. He walks past three cars and sees another police car. He walks up to it, clicks the button, gets in and drives away. His car was a dog patrol car. The other wasn't.

That made me wonder... if one cop had that much problems finding his car (there were five cars there, two of them police cars), did not remember where he had parked it, did not notice the one he walked to first did not have 'Dog Patrol' written on the side, did not look at the license plate and could not figure out why he couldn't get it opened... how does that work out at the police station? What happens when an alarm goes off? Do they all go running like headless chickens trying to figure out which car is theirs?

I guess you just had to be there but it was pretty funny watching him. Like an old black and white comedy where everything is in slow motion.

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