Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hot Cellular Christians

These two landed in my inbox a few days ago:

Now, my first reaction was; "you have got to be kidding me!". But now that I've thought about it, it actually makes sense. Religion is everywhere and we're all arguing about it. It would make sense to know right away just how religious your date is so that you won't end up in a terrible fight when you tell your girl she can't talk to men she's not related to, or you tell your man he has to wear a Kippah to the synagogue.

We should have dating services for Jews and Mulims aswell, not to mention Hindus and Buddhists. This one is for Christians, I'm not Christian so I won't have any use for it, but there might be others out there who will. I wonder if you have to tell them if you are a Catholic or Lutheran or if you belong to the Angelican church (forgive me for errors, as I said, it's not my religion).

The second ad also makes sense. You wouldn't want your Christian money to end up in the hands of a Jew or a Muslim would you? Who knows what they would do with it. Muslims aren't supposed to pay interest, their religion forbids it, could that be your concern? It does not, however, say that only Christians can apply, it only says 'Money Lending Based on Christian Prinsiples'. What are Christian principles within the money lending business? We'll give you money now then we'll take yours later? Do to others what you want others to do to you?

A good idea for those who are Christian. Maybe we'll all just convert to Christianity so that we can date all those wonderful people in the first ad and get all the money from the second ad. We sure don't want to be left out and Christians do seem to get around. With fancy ads from Hot Cellular Deals and everything.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha It was funny :)

    Yeep I am not christian either, I am a Hindu. And yeep I have received such junk emails too..


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