Thursday, February 09, 2006


I've always wondered why people are grumpy in the morning. And I've always wondered if I'm grumpy in the morning - I never really stopped to check, or even thought about it until later in the day.

I can now confirm that I am not grumpy in the morning. In fact, I'm happy in the morning - that's probably why I've always found other people's grumpiness so puzzling.

Happy to be up, that the day is ahead of me - glad to be alive, really. It's now 8am, I woke up an hour ago, I have nowhere to be until 2pm. I've had a shower, I'm going to have breakfast and I'm watching the city come to life while a gorgeous, orange moon is going to bed.

I'm not sure if this is an everyday event, I'll have to check again another day.

Most people are up by now, and today, finally, I am one of them!


  1. I think a lot of the grumpiness stems from not being able to enjoy the morning like you do. I'm always on a tight schedule in the morning, and nothing snags my balls quite like sleeping through the alarm in the morning, and then being forced to take a rush-hour train, full of smelly, noisy, grumpy people.

    I hate the city.

  2. Well that's understandable. I wouldn't be in a very good mood if that happened to me.

    But even so... some people are just grumpy no matter how long they sleep, how late they can get up or how little they have to do.

    I'll try and have a feel next time I have to be up early.

  3. I actually love the morning.

    I work nights, so the morning to me, signals the end of the day, which obviously makes me happy.

    The morning is also beautiful. There's that time in between where the world is not quite sleeping, but not quite awake, every so often you can catch a glimpse of it, and it's awesome.


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