Friday, January 06, 2006

The How Kinky Are You Really Tests


You scored 39% Kinkiness!

You've done most of the positions in the Kama Sutra, maybe even played around with the beginners SM stuff from the local porn shop. If you found it thrilling, there are classes to be had, groups to be found and dungeons to be played in - try finding them and checking them out. You might be surprised at what you discover.

I took another one... Remember this from a month ago? As others agreed with me the test was pretty innocent and the scores way too high I decided to try a new one which I found in my inbox today.

Again I have to admit the results are less than accurate. As I have decided to try not to talk so much about all things related to sex this year, this including, to some extent, this blog, I can't say what's right and what's wrong and what might be more right if only I had someone to practice with.

My new year resolutions this year decidedly suck...


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "if only I had someone to practice with."

    You never know when and how and what. :-)

    I just took the test. I have to say the results aren't that accurate as I expected.

  2. Tests suck.

    I recommend action over theory any day.

    Although, I'm in a similar boat to apples. Well, actually... I think my boat is sinking...

  3. Tests don't suck. The results might be wrong from time to time but they're fun.

    I do agree though - action rather than theory, but theory rather than nothing.

  4. Let me rephrase that...

    Wait. No, well, for me anyway, because I have no means of determining just how accurate they are.

    Amusing though. Especially when insomnia strikes and there's nobody online in the wee early hours of the morning.

  5. 45%

    Not bad. I think I might be onto something.


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