Sunday, September 11, 2005

Borrowing stuff

Somebody drank all my milk.
Or, I strongly suspect, one of my roommates used it to make porridge.
I mean... you think you can use a carton of milk, then put it on the counter and no one will notice? I'm perfectly ok with them all to borrow my stuff and then replace it. But;

1) ask
2) if you can't ask, tell the person you borrowed from about it afterwards, leave a note or something of the kind
3) don't use it all when it's something like milk, not on a Sunday when the shops are closed
4) replace as quickly as possible

A few months ago I had that problem, but the other way round. I'd buy milk, or something else, then not remember if it was mine or not so I had to ask the others before I used it. Then I put a red marker in the kitchen drawer so I could put a dot underneath things. Not to make the others not use it (doubt if they'd see it), but so I'd know if it was mine or not. I haven't done that since I came back after summer but I was going to a couple days ago cuz I'd started forgetting what was mine again.

But the red marker's gone too.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I have a brother who keeps doing that. Yeah I know siblings are suppose to share stuff, but it does get frustrating to come home wanting to drink that Coke only to find someone else beat you to it. And when you're the one who keeps buying food but someone else eats it.
    The worst thing to do is to keep quiet about it coz then, they'll just take it for granted that you're ok with it.


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