Saturday, July 16, 2005

World Games Bodybuilding

Muscles scare me. Always have. There's just something unnatural about muscles that show too well through the skin. Like this picture. It's scary.

Bodybuilding, like any sport, is a funny thing. But unlike other sports you don't work out to make your body able to do something. Do you? I'll be the first to admit I don't know zip about bodybuilding, but the name itself pretty much tells you what it's about. It's about building up your body. Not so that you'll be able to run fast or throw something or swim or row or jump. But so that it looks big. You put some oil on and flex your muscles for the judges. Kinda like Miss Universe, only you need muscles, not silicone.

I've never been able to understand it, but as with many other things it doesn't matter much what I think. As long as the people doing it are happy, so am I. But it doesn't look good... They can't possibly have one ounce of fat on their bodies... Maybe that's what we should all strive for.

Nah, no way, ain't gonna happen!
I'll keep my muscles where they belong. Underneath my skin, not looking like they're about to jump out.

Besides, I'm too lazy.


  1. i work out at the gym. though i don't plan to have super large muscles, i completely get the whole idea of bodybuilding.

    it's all about achieving the perfect porpotion of muscles to your body. don't you think it'll be weird to have really large chest but small legs? you know how one side of our body is bigger than the other? well, bodybuilding tries to eliminate this. having muscle mass is one thing. body builders too must have beautiful muscle tone, which is much tougher than just achieving huge muscle mass. it's really art when you think about it.

    and there's more to bodybuilding than what many people think. though they do need steroids to achieve & maintain those muscles, it's really about having the right diet and work out regime. it's about knowing your body and how it works. it takes a lot of discipline to be a bodybuilder.

    that said, i agree with you on keeping my muscles where they belong. never been into big muscles myself. lol.

  2. The "art" part I get. But what I don't get is the purpose. Why do something to just attain a certain look? I've never seen somebody who bodybuilds put their body to any form of work that requires such strength (other than showing off, flaunting, and intimidating people), and therefore, it makes me question the necessity of it. And what happens to all those muscles when a bodybuilder decides to stop building?

    This might just be me, a jealous young man who has arms and legs likened to stilts and willows.


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