Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Smell of.... summer?

It's sunny and a little windy. Not too warm, not too cold.

I'm lying outside in the hammock, peacefully reading a book.

The old lady in the house next door is also sitting outside.

Then it hits. The smell. The stench.


Some farmer nearby has decided to spread his dung.

On this sunny, windy day.

Since it's sunny, it doesn't rain away.

Since it's windy, the smell travels with the wind.

Smack bang in the middle of your face.

Usually it's not too bad.

Usually they don't do it on sunny, windy summer days.

I had to escape inside.

The lady did too.

Prisoners of dung...

1 comment:

  1. Garden fresh, and 100 per cent organic.



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