Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tommy og Tigern

"Let go of me you soft boiled, bloodthirsty, beetle brain!!"
"It's the morning! Now we can do things together again!"
"Come on, woohoo!"

"It's hard to stay angry with someone who misses you while you're sleeping."

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson, here in Norwegian.

I got two Calvin and Hobbes books a few months ago. I've only read one, thought I'd wait with the other till the person who gave it to me decides to come back from wherever it is he's gone off to. If that happens or not, I don't know. In any case, the books are in Bergen and I'm not.

Earlier I was putting the case for my laptop in our storage room. There, sitting quietly on something in the middle of the floor was a book, a Calvin and Hobbes book in Norwegian, seemingly unread. I seem to remember my brother getting it for Christmas a few years ago from an aunt living in Bergen, it hadn't been seen since.

I brought the book outside and sat down reading in the sunshine. Makes me think of the guy who disappeared a few months ago, and I wish I could say thanks again for introducing me to the real Calvin and Hobbes.

All I'm looking for is the truth.
And I want to stop wondering.

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