Tuesday, February 01, 2005

It's February!

This month only has 28 days. Four weeks. January is long gone and spring is a little closer. The word February probably comes from the name on a Roman god, Februs, or the word 'februa', meaning the festivals of purification celebrated in Rome. In Ukranian, the names of the months actually mean something a little more... normal (I hate that word) than this; the name for February means 'the angry month'. The reason I know this is that I read this blog, and I remember this post from a while back.

I just joined this 'rent-a-movie' site. You can try it out for 10 days without paying and I thought it seemed like a good idea because then I should be able to see about four movies that I've wanted to see but can't find anywhere. I'll probably have to be a member for a month, something always happens, the movies are late or I have to let them know before I send them back and then I have to send them back before the ten days... They design these things to trick you, but being a member for a month isn't too bad if I get to see some good movies.

The reason I mentioned that was this: do you know any good films? Old ones, new ones, films everyone should see? I know there are so many out there I haven't seen but should, I just can't think of them right now... I just checked the page and they've sent me two of the films on my list (I have to make sure there are 10 titles on there so they always have something to send me); Full Metal Jacket and Breakfast at Tiffany's. I read the book 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' a while ago, found it at Gibert Jeune (I miss that place..) and I can't wait to see it. Can't believe I never have...

Oh, and I still can't fall asleep. I can sleep alright, but not until the morning. I'll probably stay awake until 7am again tonight...tomorrow, tossing and turning, but if I do, I'm gonna pull myself out of bed at 9am no matter what. I just love sleeping...

I'm gonna make soup.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Missy if you want to watch an excellent movie then watch..Alex . Life of a Child. it might take some finding but it will be worth it.............okie?????bye byeee.


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